Parents, our children are born with a clean slate!

If we want our children to reach their potential, go to the book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible and use these principles to train your children.
Children are learning when they do not know that they are learning. The world is in this Down Spiraling Spiritual Dilemma Pandemic because we do not live by these PRINCIPLES that GOD left here in writing for us to live by!
This is why it is so devastating to see the ruins of our children in today’s world when we claim to be so advanced and knowledgeable!
This is not a child-friendly world, simply because we choose to live by manmade rules.
Parents, our toddlers can walk, talk, see, touch, feel, and they have likes, dislikes, wants, and needs. and they can interact or react to any and all of their environment!
Toddler to Preschooler Recommentations
Here are my recommendations for your child going from a toddler into a preschooler:
- Talk to your child in plain language (but by all means, talk to them).
- Start teaching them the rules early in their life (practice makes perfect).
- Potty train them as early as possible (try not to make them wait until you have time!).
- Teach your child their body parts early; they start learning at birth.
- Tell them the name of everything they come in contact with in their everyday world. They love it when you talk to them, and they learn through repetition, so keep naming everything until they repeat the words to you!
- For a solid reference, I will ask you to refer to The Truth About Parenting book in the Toddlers section, pages 45 to 51.
Brain Research
Did you know that recent brain research indicates that birth to age three are the most important years in a child’s development. Here are some tips to consider during your child’s early years: Be warm, loving, and responsive.
Kindergarten and First Grade students’ curricula introduce them to every subject that they are expected to master by the time they graduate from the twelfth grade.
Many parents do not even know this or many other things about their child’s education. Please purchase my book The Truth About Parenting which is the only book on the market that is spiritually based and contains proven effective parenting principles.
Questions for Parents: Children Who Are Growing from Toddlers to Preschoolers
- When does a child start to learn? Children start to learn at birth.
They learn about their environment and they are learning about you,
both parents.
- Is it recommended to talk baby talk to babies? It is recommended to talk in a normal voice and tone to babies because they are learning who you are, (father, mother) what they like and dislike about you, and anyone else who they come in contact with.
- What’s the recommendation for how early we should potty train our children? When your child gets used to your praising him/her and they relate it to doing good. They will try hard to please you in everything that you teach them. So, when your child starts to walk, buy them a potty chair. And every day maybe start out with twice a day, sit them on the potty and read or sing to them. That way you are teaching them two skills at one time. Always praise them a lot when they use the pot. Soon they will ask to sit on the pot.
- As a parenting coach, you stress the fact that you feel that mothers should be homemakers (most people would say “stay-at-home Moms”). Yes, I stress that mothers should be homemakers. The reason is that it allows more time to focus on you and the entire family and lessens the stress on you and the family. I stated early on that parenting is a full-time job, adding cooking, cleaning, shopping, planning, playtime, and Me-time and husband time to all else. Can you hear me now?
- What are some disadvantages of babies being left in a daycare facility? During my Child Development studies, I learned that a baby can die from a lack of attention. We were shown a study where two babies were treated differently.
- Child A was held, talked to, held while they were fed, and taken for a walk outside. Child A was read to, sang to, hugged, and kissed. This child showed progress in all stages of development.
- Child B would just be left alone to lie in bed, the bottle propped in his bed to feed him, no one talked to him or played with him, and no one kissed or hugged him. Child B did not show any emotions and the baby died before it reached the age of one.
Most businesses are understaffed and that didn’t just recently become a problem. People who care for children under the age of one, do not have staff to pay proper attention to each individual baby. So, when that child arrives at home to a tired mother and father, what do you think happens? Can you hear me now?
- How do we prepare our toddlers for preschool? Tell your child the truth! And teach your child to tell the truth (very important)! We start when they are newborns. Use proper language. Teach them the scientific name for their body parts and the number of each body part that they have. This is hard, but write the name of everything in your home and tape it to the item. This method will allow you to teach your child at least 500 words before they reach the first grade.
Most of all teach them manners, to be respectful, and always ask if you do not know. Teach your child that “if an adult touches you, you immediately need to tell somebody.” And if an adult does something to you and you feel that it was unfair, ask your child to wait and tell a parent. Allow a parent to be respectful and handle the situation.
I’d like to introduce you to two poems. Many writers have claimed to be the author of this first poem, and although I am not sure who the original author is, I truly believe we all should have a copy because these poems state the truth!
If children live with criticism, They learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, They learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule, They learn to be shy.
If children live with shame, They learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance, They learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence.
If children live with praise, They learn to appreciate.
If children live with fairness, They learn justice.
If children live with security, They learn to have faith.
If children live with approval, They learn to like themselves.
If children live with acceptance and friendship,
They learn to find love in the world.
—Dorothy Law Nolte
My hands were busy throughout the day. I wasn’t looking.
I didn’t have much time to play the little games you asked me to.
I didn’t have much time for you.
I’d wash your clothes; I’d sew and cook,
But when you’d bring me your picture book and ask me to share your fun, I’d say, “Later, we’ll have time for fun.”
I’d tuck you in all safe at night and hear your prayers, turn out the light, then I’d tiptoe softly to the door…I wish I’d stayed a minute more.
For life is short, the years rush past…a little child grows up so fast.
No longer is your child at your side, no more precious secrets to confide;
The picture books are put away. There are no longer games to play, no good night kiss, no prayers to hear…that all belongs to yesteryear.
My hands, once busy, now are still.
The days are long and hard to fill.
I wish I could return and do the little things you asked me to do.
—Author Unknown